The Journey To A Zero Waste Kitchen
Plastic! This pervasive substance has found it’s way into nearly all areas of our life, our kitchen most of all. To begin your journey to a Zero Waste kitchen you should:
Check your cabinets:
- Tupperware
- children’s bowls and cups
- baby bottles
- water bottles
- Cling Wrap
- ziplock bags
- milk jugs
- juice bottles
All of these products, if made of hard plastic, may contain BPA, the chemical that has been linked to brain, prostate, and behavioral issues .
It doesn’t end there, however; BPA is present in a myriad of other household and workplace products: sales receipts, bicycle helmets and sports shin guards, CD’s and DVD’s, gardening equipment, furniture, car parts, and nearly any electronic device, such as laptops or cell phones
It may seem like a daunting task to eradicate such an insidious substance, and indeed it may be impossible to do so completely. But with a little effort, we can greatly reduce the consumption, and thus the production, of many plastic products.
Once you have identified the guilty products, it is best to send them to the recycling plant and replace with safer alternatives.
The increasingly popular Anchor Hocking
containers, for example, can replace plastic storage containers.
Glass is an excellent alternatives to plastic for many products, such as baby bottles and food jars, and water bottles.
This provides both a safe and non-toxic substance for our everyday use and the opportunity to reuse and recycle.
The possibilities of plastic-free living are limitless.
With a little effort and access to the Internet, cutting down on wasteful and toxic products is much simpler than you may think.
To take it a step further,
- Monitor your consumption of plastics outside the home.
- Try reusable flatware
instead of plastic at your next party,
- Remind your waitress that you do not require a straw,
- Refill your mug
at the office water tank instead of using a new disposable cup each time
In all these little ways, a group effort can greatly reduce the consumption and production of plastics. We can start reducing our harmful impact on the environment and our own exposure to pollutants and toxins.
The well being of every creature on Earth, including us, is in our hands. We have the ability, and the obligation, to take the necessary steps to conserve and protect our environment and all of it’s inhabitants.
Making this small effort can take us another step closer to our goal of Zero Waste!